Am I Being Called to Be A Priest?
The world needs priests. It needs strong, faithful, courageous men willing to die to themselves for the sake of Christ’s Bride, the Church. It also needs men who want to conform themselves to Christ, who can proclaim his Word and dispense his mercy in the darkest corners of the culture.
To be precise, a man only “knows” he is called when he is ordained! However, there are many positive signs that can point to a vocation, and which can help a man make the decision to enter the seminary and continue along the path towards the priesthood.
Quick Discernment Tool:
Now that you are here and no one is watching or listening, read these statements to yourself, take them to prayer, then act on what you know is right. God knows, you may be called to the priesthood!
- A personal relationship with Jesus Christ is important to me.
- People have told me I would make a good priest.
- I’ve hidden vocation material under my bed and in my desk.
- Going to Mass and Adoration is a very important part of my faith life.
- The thought of becoming a priest keeps coming back over and over again.
- I’m afraid to tell my friends and family that I’ve been thinking about the priesthood.
- I feel called to give more of myself to others.
- After hearing the readings at Mass I think about how I would preach.
- I have a burning desire to help people get closer to Christ and to know the Truth.
- I have a strong sense that what I have planned for the future is not what God has planned for me.
If some of these statements reflect how you feel, if your heart is pounding even harder, if you sense a greater desire to find out if God is calling you to live in black and white, get in touch with the Vocation Director. Have no fear, the Lord wants only what is best for you – and so do we.

Travis Moger
Birthday: June 25th
- Mount St. Mary’s Seminary

Clifton Mastran
Birthday: May 1
- Pope St. John XXIII Seminary

Dominic Re
Birthday: February 10
- Mount Saint Mary’s Seminary

Michael Aiello
Birthday: September 16
- Mount St. Mary's Seminary

Bryan Tedeschi
Birthday: October 17
- Mount Saint Mary’s Seminary

Nathan Schmidt
Birthday: January 20
- Mount Saint Mary’s Seminary

Michael J. Tupta
Birthday: April 24
- Pontifical North American College

Timothy Kawash
Birthday: July 22
- Pontifical College Josephinum

Peter Russman
Birthday: April 16
- Pontifical College Josephinum

Reece Lopatka
Birthday: June 5th
- Pontifical College Josephinum

David Hensler
Birthday: July 29
- Pontifical College Josephinum

Christian Davis
Birthday: October 4th
- Mount St. Mary’s Seminary

Andrew Dean
Birthday: November 14th
- Mount St. Mary’s Seminary

Joe Derico
Birthday: February 16
- John Paul II College Seminary

Donvito Cortese
Birthday: August 30
- Pontifical College Josephinum

Sebastian Lasko
Birthday: September 18th
- Pontifical College Josephinum

Chris Nelson
Birthday: December 4th
- Pope St. John Paul II College Seminary
John Paul II College Seminary
145 Taylor St NE
Washington, DC 20017
Mount St. Mary’s Seminary
16300 Old Emmitsburg Road
Emmitsburg, MD 21727
The Pontifical College Josephinum
7625 N High St
Columbus, OH 43235
Pontifical North American College
00120 Vatican City State
Pope John XXIII National Seminary
558 South Ave
Weston, MA 02493
Contact the office of Vocations
Office of Vocations 1311 Byron St. P.O. Box 230 Wheeling, WV 26003 Telephone: (304) 233-0880 ext. 442 Email: bcrenwelge@dwc.org

Rev. Fr. Brian J. Crenwelge

A group of lay Catholics, men and women of all ages and backgrounds, called Serrans, are dedicated to promote and foster vocations. The USA Council is part of Serra International. In the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston we have three formal Serra Clubs around the state: Wheeling (click here for more info), Charleston (click here for more info), and Clarksburg (contact the Clarksburg Vicariate Vicar Forane, Father Casey Mahone, of Immaculate Conception Parish, at 304-622-8243 for more information).
Serra Prayer for Vocations
O God, Who wills not the death of a sinner, but rather that he be converted and live, grant we beseech You through the intercession of the Blessed Mary, ever Virgin, Saint Joseph, her spouse, Saint Junipero Serra, and all the saints, an increase of laborers for your Church, fellow laborers with Christ to spend and consume themselves for souls, through the same Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, One God forever and ever. Amen.